At Swish Print our digital printing services are structured specifically for garment printing.
Wether it's for organic t-shirts, cotton t-shirts, polyester performance wear or workwear our comprehensive range of services allows us to produce the highest quality printing service.
Using the latest technology from the Brother platform to give you access to the Brother Bulk GTX Pro Direct printer.
The results speak for themselves.
We don't hold back when it comes to print quality, our state of the art machinery offers a combination of :
And when you combine that with Scottish Skills & Passion you really have no reason to go elsewhere. So why settle for less? Order with us today.
We don't hold back when it comes to print quality, our state of the art machinery offers a combination of :
And when you combine that with Scottish Skills & Passion you really have no reason to go elsewhere. So why settle for less? Order with us today.
Digital Printing or Direct-To-Garment printing is a process of printing on textiles using specialised ink-jet machines. We are currently running Brothers GTX Pro machines to get top-level DTG print finishing. This is most suited for one-off custom garments or for full-colour designs.
The DTF process is as simple in its working as its name suggests – Print on a film and directly transfer it onto fabric. The most prominent factor that makes this process worthy of use is the freedom to choose almost any fabric. Be it full polyester or cotton, the DTF printing process will work its magic on them.
A special type of vinyl that comes in many finishes (metallic, holographic, glow-in-the-dark, glitter, flock, etc.), which can be machine-cut and fused with heat to a garment. Best suited for sportswear and fashion designs.
Usually, we decide what method best suits your garments and graphics.
If you are looking for a particular printing method please contact us directly and we can arrange this for your order.
Need help? Call us on 0131 668 9476
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